Stuart Pond Design : Ideas in motion

research and academic

Research and academic.

Our experience as both artists and scientists gives us unique insight and understanding of how to communicate science; one feeds into the other, giving us a unique perspective on scientific communication. Here at SPD we don’t just communicate other people’s science, we are actively engaged in research and outreach. We’ve built dinosaur skeletons for biomechanical research, illustrated extinct and extant species and their environments based on the fossil evidence, made videos for museum exhibits, hosted workshops and created illustrations that have been used in papers and outreach in the global media. Stu has been interviewed about his research on BBC News, Times Radio, BBC World Service and many papers and international news outlets. Stu can often be found working at weekends on ankylosaur palaeoneurology and the armoured dinosaurs of the UK, and he is a scientific Associate at the Natural History Museum, London.